Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thank you for stopping by

I am so happy that you’ve either accepted my invitation or a friend’s and came to read this blog. If you stumble into it while surfing the Internet, I believe that you are at the right place, at the right time.

So the idea to start this blog came after reviewing the goals I have set for 2007. I realized that I have accomplished 70% of the goals that I have set and trust me, for those who knows me or have worked with me in the past, you should know that I am extremely ambitious, thus my goals were extremely ambitious.

Statistics shows that 95% of people would not accomplish one single goal they have set up for the New Year. Most people don’t achieve their goals, and settle for whatever life throw at them, because they don’t know how.

I have taken the time to learn how to set up goals and better yet, how to ACHIEVE them. My goal here is to share the knowledge that I have accumulated so far on goal settings to help you achieve some of your goals in 2008 and make 2008 a great year. Whatever I wrote about are things that I’ve either read or experienced. I don’t claim to be an expert, just an ordinary woman who loves to read and research.

Each week, I’ll take the time to share with you on topics, such as:
- How to set up S.M.A.R.T. goals
- How to evaluate your goals
- How to track your progress
- What tools you can use to ensure and track your progress
- Perception
- Fear
- Determination
- Procrastination
- Legacy
- And much more

I created this blog instead of emailing you each article, so that it can be interactive. I encourage all of you to leave your comments and questions at the end of each post and even better to add your ideas and add value to this blog.

Jim Rohn says it best when he said: “If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan.”


Anonymous said...

Jefté, Thsnk you for this article. I realized a lot of things by reading these few words. I'm shure 2008 will be an excellent year for me.
I'm stating right now to set my goals and to achieve them.

Anonymous said...

Hi there Jephtée, I want to thanks you for letting me take a look at your blog. As I told you, this is a kind of discussion that would interest my minds.
So what? I can say you made great description of a discussed subject.
But what can I add? Don't we have not only "to get ready to our goal, to set our goal, understand how to make them"... but also "to go look for them" as the Ecclesiaste teach us that: "You won't find unless you go look for it!"
Here I go, I always look for some faithfull people that matter good and important ways, so don't I stop findin' them as I never stop my way.
God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful article, but i dont believe that life is exactly what you make it but what you make of it.

Anonymous said...

2008 will be a promising year...thanx for the help...I'm a really organised person and i've accomplished lots in 2007 ex: married, new house, finished my studies if i put the same effort to 2008 as i did for 2007 ti will be promising....thanx J

Jephtée Elysée said...

Hey Nancy!

You should definitely be proud of what you have accomplished in 2007.
Just don’t put the same effort in 2008… double that effort. Repeat what you have done that works and initiate new things and ideas for 08. Goal: Always crave for more.

Blessings to you and your husband.