Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Watch over your dreams

Hi guys/ladies,

The past few weeks have been crazy busy. Good crazy is always welcome in my world.
One thing that I have been thinking about lately, more like meditating on, is how important it is to watch over your goals and dreams, especially in the early stages.

Parents will easily understand this concept. Just like they had to do with their babies, they need to watch over their dreams. You have to be careful who you confide in and who you entrust with your dreams.

I came to realize that when you are just in the planning stage or “just thinking about it” stage, people are more then willing to support you but as soon as there seems to be some kind of progress (meaning that you are on your way to achieve that goal), everything changes.

People who use to cheer you on and tell you “Go for it”, all of the sudden they change. You get more discouraging comments from them then anything else.

My advice when you face this kind of situation is do not even waste time on it, just move on. More importantly, learn from that mistake and next time choose wisely who you share your goal with.

Many blessings,
Jephtée E.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Again I'd start by a:"that's what I was waiting to hear from you!" But do I really need to do it if I see what I believed in you? Plans are successfully done only when u believe. But I won't change my joy of cheering at your good messages. Be blessed. Of course, what interested me the most was the last "paragraph" (lol). Yes, being taught (no matter the situations we face) enstrenghten our desire to teach and share. But what? Only when we are taught, when we teach, and when we share with the good people that lead us to victory.

Keep cheering!!