Sunday, April 6, 2008

Evaluation time

Today is an exciting day for me. Wondering why?
Because the exercise you are about to do is very stimulating.

Remember back in December, I gave you guys some homework… well its time to hand them in. :-)

We just ended the first trimester of 2008, now it is time to go back and look at the goals you have set for this year and see how they are coming along. So here is a simple process:

  1. Pull out your goal folder or sheet (yes I know you wrote them down).
  2. Read thru all the goals you have set up. While reading them, if there is a goal that you have already achieved, do a check mark.
  3. Go thru the list a 2nd time, each goal that is still left in the list need to be evaluated. For the evaluation, you need to ask yourself:

a) Is this goal still relevant to me?
i. If no, delete it. (The answer can be no because as human our priorities change.)
ii. If yes, how much progress you have made toward achieving it. Write down, a percentage (20%, 25%, 30%... 90% etc...)

b) Is my timeline realistic?
i. If yes, (meaning you still believe that this goal can be achieved by that time) just leave it as is.
ii. If not, set up a new deadline.

c) For the goals that are remaining, what concrete actions you will take to advance them?

What are the new goals you want to set for this year? If there is any, and there should be a few if your priorities have changed at all, follow the process you’ve learned to set SMART goals.

As you reading this post, you will fall into one of the following categories:
1) Thumbs up: if you are in this category, you will say that is great. Thanks for reminding me Jephtee to do that follow up.
2) Crazy: in this category, you are thinking Jephtee really lost it if she really thinks that I have a sheet somewhere with some goals OR if only I could find where I wrote them in December.
3) Clueless: in this category, you probably thinking I have no clue what she is talking about. Two things can explain being in this category: you either new to this blog OR you were “sleep reading” my posts last December.

No matter which category you find yourself in (especially if its 2 or 3), I strongly encourage that you go back and read the archived posts. To make your life easier: See how nice I am. :-)

In my next post, I will explain the importance and the impact of such exercise. Till then, I WANT to hear your comments on this exercise. If not, I AM GOING ON WRITER STRIKE. lol

To more accomplishments,
Jephtée E.

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