Monday, August 18, 2008


Today, I want to talk about the importance of mentorship because I believe it is a crucial piece of the puzzle when it comes to achieving your goals.

None of us can claim to know it all or to have all the answers. In a past article about knowledge, I have highlighted the need to educate yourself about whatever it is you want to achieve. The man idea is that you need to learn as much as possible about what you want to accomplish for you to be able to achieve it.

The issue is, we are all very busy and juggling various activities… education seems to be the last thing on our priority list. It is so easy to go a year without reading one single book. It seems that whenever something needs to be “put to later”, it’s always things that have to do with education and studies.

This is a fatal mistake. This will cost you, without a doubt, the achievement of your goals.

Now you should be asking yourself, how can I get as much knowledge as possible to move my goals forward with the limited amount of time I have?

Brian Tracy has the perfect answer for that. He wrote “No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals.”

Basically what he is saying is to find yourself people who can mentor you and teach you what they know. There are people who have hands on experience about what you are trying to achieve, find them and emulate them until you know how to do it yourself.

I can personally testify that this principle work.
One of my goals last year was to find myself a very good mentor. Since I am so picky, it took me a whole year to achieve this goal. Matter of fact, when I wrote my first article it was one of the goals that I had yet to achieve. I found him mid-December. After my 1st conversation with him, I gather the nerve to ask him to mentor me (expecting a big no)… guess what? He said yes.

I cannot tell you how amazing it is to have another brain to pick in. I cannot tell you how much time it saves me in research and readings.

You will not know how beneficial this is until you give it a try. My hope is you will add that to your list of goals for this year. It may be the most important goal you’ve ever set for yourself.

This one goes out to my marvelous mentor. Thanks for your patience and kindness.
Jephtée E.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Live for the moment

Hi guys,

I read this 2-3 years ago and it stayed with me. Today I want to share it with you.

Have a great week.


Inches by Rick Beneteau

It takes many inches to make a mile. We can only move by inches, one inch at a time.

It's when we look miles ahead and wonder "how are we going to get so far?" that we fail to move forward at all.

We can choose to live life fully focused on the moment at hand and live happily, making great progress, moving by inches.

Or, we can keep staring "in the rear view mirror", stuck with thoughts of what could have been, instead of what can now be.

Most important, we must always keep in mind that anytime we suffer a setback while moving forward, it will always be just a matter of inches, never miles..