Sunday, February 24, 2008

Dream makers vs. Dreams breakers: Priority

One of the most common excuses that I often hear people say when asked, “why they don’t go after their dreams or goals”, is time. They claim not having enough time to do so.

If we take two of the most common goals: get healthy and start a business; people complain about not having enough time to watch what they eat, to exercise regularly. They also claim not having enough time to allocate to a business after a full day work and spend time with family.

My answer to that is very simple. That goal is not priority. It is true that there is only 24 hours in a day and it might be an issue but what it really comes down to is PRIORITY. If what you want to accomplish is on the top of your priorities list, you will make time for it.

For example: I don’t have time to work 8 hours per day for someone else. Do I still work 8 hrs per day? YOU BET.

So really, it’s as simple as: If you want it bad enough, you will do what it takes to see it happen.

Next week, I’ll share a few simple tips that will leave you with at least an extra hour per day… that is 7 hours per week.

"Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use." - Earl Nightingale

Have a bless week,
Jephtée Elysée

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dream makers vs. Dreams breakers: Mindset

So last week, I finished my post with this quote by Dr. Robert Anthony “You can have anything you want if you will give up the belief that you can't have it.”

What its always comes down to at the end of the day is your mindset. In order to achieve great things in life and accomplish your goals, you MUST have a great mindset. You need to change your ways of thinking and challenge yourself more as to what is feasible, what is reachable.

As a business consultant, I have the privilege to work with a lot of entrepreneurs and after talking to them for a while; I can spot right away who will do really well and who will not. And 90% of the time it’s got nothing to do with their skills but mostly with their mindset.

What is it in life that you have always wanted or what is it today that you want? What is that big project you have in mind that your research and your gut tells you will be a huge success but you are still putting off because you have convinced yourself that it is out of your league?

Whatever it is, start by changing your mindset. Start by letting go of the idea it is out of your reach and I GUARANTEE you that you will be surprise on how fast things start to fall into place.

Now a little story for you, I read it in a special report by Vic Johnson, Mindset 13 Secrets of World-Class Goal Achievers.

“From the days of the Greeks and the very first Olympics, it was debated whether a human being could run a sub-four minute mile. The medical community, the scientific community said that it was not possible. They said if a person ran a mile that fast, their heart would explode. So if you are an athlete out there in training and the medical community says if you break that barrier, your heart is going to explode, do you think that belief might affect your training?
For thousands of years it was a widely held belief that a sub-four minute mile was not only impossible, it was dangerous. Until a medical student named Roger Bannister came along in the 1950's. In England he was studying anatomy and physiology as part of his medical studies and in the process looked at the medical evidence that against a sub-four minute mile.

Roger Bannister looked at the evidence and the evidence told him that not only would the heart not explode, but the body of a human being was more then capable of achieving that mark. He convinced himself from the evidence. He changed his belief from that of the held belief and then he actually went out and boldly told the world, "I am going to break the four minute barrier."
Most everyone knows that in 1956, he went out and ran a mile in three minutes and 59.4 seconds and broke the record. Now here's what a lot of people do not know. Within two weeks, another person broke the sub-four minute barrier. In the same year that he did, nine other people ran a mile under four minutes. In thousands of years of recorded history, no one had been able to run a four minute mile, and in one year, nine people did. What changed? The human body or the human belief?”

To the beginning of a new mindset!
Jephtée Elysée

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Dream makers vs. Dreams breakers: Belief

Hey guys (and ladies)!
Hope you missed me last week. Sorry I was traveling and couldn’t find the time to write. So this week I will make it up to you.

Today folks I am going to tackle a big one so bear with me.
So many times, I have encounter people who are simply amazing in what they do. People who have all the skills, all the tools and all the knowledge needed to make BIG things happen but who still aren’t doing much with their lives.

When I say they are not doing much with their lives does not mean they are struggling (yes some of them are) but most of them are doing well. At this point, you probably saying what’s wrong with doing well? My answer to you is: there is nothing wrong with doing well if that’s all you can do but there is definitely something wrong with doing well if you can do great.

I will look at these persons (most of the times I don’t even need to talk to them) and it is obvious the only barrier to their success is a lack of belief in their self; they do not believe that they are able to achieve great things.

Here is the tricky thing with belief; “Belief is nothing more than what we accept as true or real. Now here’s something important to understand: what we accept as true may not be true and it may not be real. But if we accept it as true or real it influences our decisions just as if it were.”

Go back and read that sentence as many times as needed until it sinks in. I AM SERIOUS. You owe it to yourself to understand it……. I hope you went back.

So basically what it saying, it does not matter what you believe in. The simple fact you believe in it and accept it as true, your mind accepts it too and it influences your life. Ok! I can see your face going like Jephtée completely lost it.

Have you ever watch a scary movie? Why in the world should you be scare knowing that its just TV? The reason is simple: you start by believing what you see can hurt you and since that’s what you believe, your mind start sending you all the signals that you will be hurt. In other words, because you believe it… your mind accept it as true. So basically its got nothing to do with the movie itself… you are the one scaring the s. out of yourself. (See you will think by writing that I will tell myself, that’s it as of today I am going to enjoy those scary movies…. Heuuuuh. Lets leave it at that.)

Because I promised to keep it short each week, I will stop here and come back on this subject next week.

I’ll leave you with a quote by Dr. Robert Anthony “You can have anything you want if you will give up the belief that you can't have it.”

Jephtée E.