Sunday, November 30, 2008

Lets the countdown begin

WOW! What a month!
November was crazy busy for me… I guess it’s the same with most people.

Today, I just want to remind you of the obvious: tomorrow is December 1st, meaning you have exactly 31 days left in 2008 to accomplish the goals you have set up for this year.
31 days is a lot of time if use wisely. I encourage you for the next 31 days, to give it your best shot. Everyday do all that you can.

Remember, “Life is exactly what you make it, so dare to make yours even more magnificent!”
Happy holidays,

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Watch over your dreams

Hi guys/ladies,

The past few weeks have been crazy busy. Good crazy is always welcome in my world.
One thing that I have been thinking about lately, more like meditating on, is how important it is to watch over your goals and dreams, especially in the early stages.

Parents will easily understand this concept. Just like they had to do with their babies, they need to watch over their dreams. You have to be careful who you confide in and who you entrust with your dreams.

I came to realize that when you are just in the planning stage or “just thinking about it” stage, people are more then willing to support you but as soon as there seems to be some kind of progress (meaning that you are on your way to achieve that goal), everything changes.

People who use to cheer you on and tell you “Go for it”, all of the sudden they change. You get more discouraging comments from them then anything else.

My advice when you face this kind of situation is do not even waste time on it, just move on. More importantly, learn from that mistake and next time choose wisely who you share your goal with.

Many blessings,
Jephtée E.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Once I’ve stumble upon this verse from Proverbs 13:22 “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children...” and I once heard a preacher saying “if your grandfather and father have left you an inheritance, you wouldn’t be where you are today”. I think we can ALL agree it’s true. Unfortunately we cannot go back and change the past but what we can do is influence the future. We can make sure that our children and grandchildren will not be saying “if only my parents or grandparents left me an inheritance”.

For me I believe it goes way beyond just an inheritance. Each one of us should desire to leave a legacy. What is a legacy? A legacy is ALL you leave behind for the world to remember, so it’s more then money. It is how you want to be remembered when you are gone and what have you done to make this world a better place. A good legacy it is not something that is left by coincidence; it’s a choice we got to make and work at it every day by setting SMART goals to achieve it.

My question for you today: “Do the goals you set up for yourself reflect the legacy you want to leave behind?”

Let me share a piece that will help you start thinking about the legacy you want to leave behind.

Have a blessed week,
Jephtée E.

The Legacy You Leave
All You will leave behind for the world to remember is
Your Legacy, so ask yourself . . .
Will you have earned the respect of your peers
and the admiration of your critics?
Will you have acted humbly at the peak of success and
graceful in the face of defeat?
Will you have kept your childlike wonder and reveled in the
beauty of the world and the small miracles that each day brought?
Will you be remembered for how often you laughed and
brought smiles to the hearts of others?
Will small children and the elderly have been overjoyed to be around you?
Will others have trusted you with their inner most secrets?
Will you have forgiven and offered heartfelt apology?
Will you have looked for the very best, and
done your utmost to build worth, in others?
Will you have fed a hungry child or clothed a naked man
or given hope to a stranger in dire need?
Will you have left this world a better place by the life you have lived?
What Legacy will You Leave?
©2007 Rick Beneteau
All rights reserved.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Hi everyone,

Believe it or not, we are already in September; meaning that 9/12 = ¾ of the year 2008 has already passed.

This blog is just an encouragement to take the time to do a simple evaluation. Review your goals sheet and see which ones you haven’t accomplished yet.
I encourage each one of you to take the time to come up with a plan on how to make the most out of the remaining 3 months.

Remember persistence is key! It is not time to say “Oh well! The year is already over anyway. I might as well leave it for next year.” On the contrary, you should be saying to yourself “the year is almost over; I cannot start 2009 with the same goals. So I must push forward.”

Be persistent and determined.

All the blessings,
Jephtée E.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Today, I want to talk about the importance of mentorship because I believe it is a crucial piece of the puzzle when it comes to achieving your goals.

None of us can claim to know it all or to have all the answers. In a past article about knowledge, I have highlighted the need to educate yourself about whatever it is you want to achieve. The man idea is that you need to learn as much as possible about what you want to accomplish for you to be able to achieve it.

The issue is, we are all very busy and juggling various activities… education seems to be the last thing on our priority list. It is so easy to go a year without reading one single book. It seems that whenever something needs to be “put to later”, it’s always things that have to do with education and studies.

This is a fatal mistake. This will cost you, without a doubt, the achievement of your goals.

Now you should be asking yourself, how can I get as much knowledge as possible to move my goals forward with the limited amount of time I have?

Brian Tracy has the perfect answer for that. He wrote “No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals.”

Basically what he is saying is to find yourself people who can mentor you and teach you what they know. There are people who have hands on experience about what you are trying to achieve, find them and emulate them until you know how to do it yourself.

I can personally testify that this principle work.
One of my goals last year was to find myself a very good mentor. Since I am so picky, it took me a whole year to achieve this goal. Matter of fact, when I wrote my first article it was one of the goals that I had yet to achieve. I found him mid-December. After my 1st conversation with him, I gather the nerve to ask him to mentor me (expecting a big no)… guess what? He said yes.

I cannot tell you how amazing it is to have another brain to pick in. I cannot tell you how much time it saves me in research and readings.

You will not know how beneficial this is until you give it a try. My hope is you will add that to your list of goals for this year. It may be the most important goal you’ve ever set for yourself.

This one goes out to my marvelous mentor. Thanks for your patience and kindness.
Jephtée E.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Live for the moment

Hi guys,

I read this 2-3 years ago and it stayed with me. Today I want to share it with you.

Have a great week.


Inches by Rick Beneteau

It takes many inches to make a mile. We can only move by inches, one inch at a time.

It's when we look miles ahead and wonder "how are we going to get so far?" that we fail to move forward at all.

We can choose to live life fully focused on the moment at hand and live happily, making great progress, moving by inches.

Or, we can keep staring "in the rear view mirror", stuck with thoughts of what could have been, instead of what can now be.

Most important, we must always keep in mind that anytime we suffer a setback while moving forward, it will always be just a matter of inches, never miles..

Monday, July 21, 2008

The best thing you could do for yourself

All individual you cross path with will fell into one of these 2 categories:
1) Doers
2) Observers

Wondering in which category you are? Here are a few characteristics:

- Knows what they want in life;
- Believe they are in charge of their life therefore have a plan;
- Knows that there is no such thing as luck;
- Knows that if they want something, they have to make it happen;
- Take risks;
- Always in action;
- Most important: held themselves 100% accountable for the results they get, for their success or lack of it.

- Will take whatever they can get out of life;
- Believe that they have no power over the course of their life so why bother;
- Waiting on the day luck will smile at them;
- Take no risk and no or very little action;
- Most regrettable: always blame others for their misfortunes. It is always someone else (parents, friends, neighbors, teachers, government, system, cat, dog) fault.

If you are reading this blog, I hope you are a Doer. If it is not the case, do yourself a favor and make that your number one goal.

Even for the doers, we sometimes fell in the trap of blaming others for our results or lack of it. Learn to hold yourself 100% accountable for your results… even in the extreme cases (when it seems obvious that it is not your fault).

For example, you start a business with an associate. He turns out to be (well fill out the blank). You loose thousands or million of dollars. Instead of blaming that person for your failure and complain about it to the whole world, look at yourself in the mirror and seriously ask yourself “how did I end up with this person as partner? How did I attract such individual in my life?” Yes it is your fault that you made a bad call and end up with the wrong partner. Acknowledge it and LEARN from it.

I could go all day on that subject, but let me wrap up by saying this: until you are willing to be 100% accountable for your results AT ALL TIME, you are not ready for success and you will not experience the amount of success you crave for.

Keep well,
Jephtée E.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Circle of influence

Growing up, I’ve often heard adults saying “Birds of a feather flock together.”
Usually they use that in your teenage years when they have a problem with your friends and people you are hanging out with.

As a teenager, we don’t believe them and reply that “mom or dad, I am my own person… I don’t just follow my friends, I can make my own choices; or I am not that easily influenced”. As adults, we soon realized how true they were.

One thing that I wish I have heard from my parents or any adults when it comes to circle of friends is how they have a direct impact on your income and net worth. YES you read right.

I only found out about this mind boggling truth last year. I was reading a book and there was a chapter about circle of influence. Studies have shown that your net income is the average income of your 5 closest friends. When I read that, I literally screamed “HELL NO”.
I thought about my 5 closest friends at the time and as far as I know, only one or two has a higher income then I am making. So being really good with numbers, I quickly did the math and believe it or not my income was an average of the 5 people closest around me. I’ve never felt sooooo miserable about my income. Even for those who are not too good with math, you most know that the lower the numbers are in an average, the lower the average will be.
So a quick example, your income = (20 000 + 25 000 + 35 000 + 40 000 + 50 000)/5
= 170 000 / 5 = 34 000$
= (40 000 + 50 000 + 70 000 + 75 000 + 80 000)/5
= 315 000 / 5 = 63 000$
As if that was not shocking enough, what follow was even more shocking… the author went on by saying “the only way to increase in your income is by changing your circle of influence”. Simply put: “If you want to make more money, you have to hang out with people that are making more.”

For those who know me well, you can guess what I said when I read that. Yep I said “ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!”

The author proved without a doubt the concept (I will spare you the details). That really got me thinking. So here I was, I had a goal of increasing my income by x% this year and I just learned that if my circle of influence remains the same… it is almost 100% guarantee that my income will remain the same (unless all of their income goes up… which is not very likely). I felt bad because I didn’t want to ditch my friends.

After thinking and reading a lot about the subject, I came to this conclusion and this is what I want to share with you: your circle of influence doesn’t necessarily have to be the same as your friends. It is up to you to decide who will influence which area of your life. Since I understood that, I decided to keep my friends as great friends (social). When it comes to career, business and money to seek people who are successful and have them mentor me and shadow them. Guess what? It works like magic!

Who are the people influencing your goals?

Keep well,
Jephtée E.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Ooooo! I am in such a good mood today. Not sure why but I am loving it. Maybe its because of the nice temperature, or the good meal that I just had, or the fact I spent some time with my little cousins yesterday at the fun fair or the fact that I have accomplished so much business wise this weekend and feel one step closer to accomplish one of my goals OR just a combination of it all.

Once, I read somewhere something that had stuck with me and I think since that day it has pretty much guided my way of thinking and living (without even realizing it). Wondering what was the magic words?

I will do today what others will not do, so I can do tomorrow what others cannot do.

Reading that one phrase my friends change my whole way of thinking and my way of doing things. Like most young people, I used to think that life is about “NOW”. I wanted to do as little work as possible and enjoy my youth. It’s a good thing that I read that because it opened my eyes and made me realized that people who are really enjoying their adult years are the ones who used their youth years to sow and now they can reap the results and enjoy every bit of it.

I decided to be in this category of people. You can make that same decision today and be one step closer to accomplish some of these goals that you have set up for yourself. I am NOT suggesting that you become a workaholic (all work and no play) but to find a good balance between work and play now, that will allow you to play a lot more later on.

The common denominator of success—the secret of success of every person who has ever been successful— lies in the fact that “THEY FORMED THE HABIT OF DOING THINGS THAT FAILURES DON’T LIKE TO DO.”” The Common Denominator of Success, by Albert Gray

Keep it up!
Jephtée E.

P.S.: for people reading this and thinking: “well who knows if I will see tomorrow or a few years from now so why bother?” let me ask you this, “what if you do live to see tomorrow and a few more years? Can you imagine being where you are right now? If yes, well don’t budge… if not, move your behind TODAY”

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Any day we wish

Today I want to share with you a few lines from Jim Rohn. I often go back to read it and this week as I read it… I realized that you might enjoy it.

"What we ponder and what we think about sets the course of our life.
Any day we wish; we can discipline ourselves to change it all.
Any day we wish, we can open the book that will open our mind to new knowledge.
Any day we wish, we can start a new activity.
Any day we wish, we can start the process of life change. We can do it immediately, or next week, or next month, or next year.We can also do nothing.
We can pretend rather than perform.
And if the idea of having to change ourselves makes us uncomfortable, we can remain as we are.
We can choose rest over labor, entertainment over education, delusion over truth, and doubt over confidence.
The choices are ours to make.
But while we curse the effect, we continue to nourish the cause. As Shakespeare uniquely observed, "The fault is not in the stars, but in ourselves."
We created our circumstances by our past choices.
We have both the ability and the responsibility to make better choices beginning today."

Jephtée E.

PS: If you want to learn more, click here and when at the website, you will see a list of Featured Authors on the right side, scroll down a little and you will see Jim Rohn. The part that I shared is from the 2001 Jim Rohn Weekend Event. Click here for website.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Today I will keep it short and sweet.
Often I finished my articles or an email by wishing you guys, a successful week.

Have you ever stopped to think what do you need to accomplish in order to make your week a successful one?

This is a very simple question but with tremendous value. I’ve come to realized that each time I’ve stopped and asked myself this question and write a few things down… I’ve always end up with a good week.

When you think about it, it’s a very simple process:
1) You asked yourself what you would like to see happen this week.
2) You write it down.
3) You do your best to make it happen during the week.

Give it a try and see the difference.

Let me share something that I’ve read… don’t ask me where because I don’t remember. It’s a good thing I wrote it down in my journal. Just enjoy it and don’t be picky. lol

To learn something new;
To laugh at least ten times;
To lift someone up;
To make progress on a worthy goal;
To practice peace and patience;
To do something nice for yourself and another;
To appreciate and be grateful for all your blessings.

You can add whatever you think is missing from that list and customize it to your taste.

To a successful week,
Jephtée E.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Evaluation follows up

Hopefully you have taken the time to do the evaluation exercise I have suggested in my last post. I cannot emphasize enough how important this simple exercise is to your success. You need to take the time to evaluate your progress, rethink, strategize and move forward.

For those who have done it, I congratulate you. For those who have not, I hope you will change your mind and decide to give it a shot.

This week, I’d like to comment on a few outcomes of this evaluation process.

I’ve personally done my evaluation 2 weeks ago and man, I was surprised. I was shocked to realize:

  • how much I’ve accomplished in 3 months period;
  • how much my priorities have changed and as a result, how many goals I don’t want to pursue anymore;
  • how many goals I have identified as VERY important in December and have managed to slipped my mind, therefore I am way behind;
  • how many new goals I have.

It was a really stimulating exercise for me because it helps me re-focus and reminded me what is important for ME.

However, a few people emailed me or call me and say they did not like this exercise at all. The 3 most common reasons I was given:

  1. Discourage them to see how little they have accomplished;
  2. Frustrate them to see that things are not moving regardless of their hard work;
  3. Anger them to realize some of the goals they have set are not achievable.

After hearing them talk, my questions were as follow:

  1. Would you rather not knowing how little you have accomplished?
  2. Now that you know you are so far behind on your goals, what are you going to do about it?
  3. If you are sincerely working hard on your goals and things are not moving, is it maybe time to come up with a new action plan?
  4. Why isn’t your goal achievable? If you were to give yourself an extra year to work on it, will it be feasible then?

So yes, this exercise can create a lot of frustration, discouragement and anger but I am happy to report in 100% of the cases, when these emotions are turned into positive and optimist thoughts, people come to appreciate the process.

Many blessings,
Jephtee E.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Evaluation time

Today is an exciting day for me. Wondering why?
Because the exercise you are about to do is very stimulating.

Remember back in December, I gave you guys some homework… well its time to hand them in. :-)

We just ended the first trimester of 2008, now it is time to go back and look at the goals you have set for this year and see how they are coming along. So here is a simple process:

  1. Pull out your goal folder or sheet (yes I know you wrote them down).
  2. Read thru all the goals you have set up. While reading them, if there is a goal that you have already achieved, do a check mark.
  3. Go thru the list a 2nd time, each goal that is still left in the list need to be evaluated. For the evaluation, you need to ask yourself:

a) Is this goal still relevant to me?
i. If no, delete it. (The answer can be no because as human our priorities change.)
ii. If yes, how much progress you have made toward achieving it. Write down, a percentage (20%, 25%, 30%... 90% etc...)

b) Is my timeline realistic?
i. If yes, (meaning you still believe that this goal can be achieved by that time) just leave it as is.
ii. If not, set up a new deadline.

c) For the goals that are remaining, what concrete actions you will take to advance them?

What are the new goals you want to set for this year? If there is any, and there should be a few if your priorities have changed at all, follow the process you’ve learned to set SMART goals.

As you reading this post, you will fall into one of the following categories:
1) Thumbs up: if you are in this category, you will say that is great. Thanks for reminding me Jephtee to do that follow up.
2) Crazy: in this category, you are thinking Jephtee really lost it if she really thinks that I have a sheet somewhere with some goals OR if only I could find where I wrote them in December.
3) Clueless: in this category, you probably thinking I have no clue what she is talking about. Two things can explain being in this category: you either new to this blog OR you were “sleep reading” my posts last December.

No matter which category you find yourself in (especially if its 2 or 3), I strongly encourage that you go back and read the archived posts. To make your life easier: See how nice I am. :-)

In my next post, I will explain the importance and the impact of such exercise. Till then, I WANT to hear your comments on this exercise. If not, I AM GOING ON WRITER STRIKE. lol

To more accomplishments,
Jephtée E.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Dream makers vs. Dreams breakers: Adversity

Let’s go back to what can make or break your dreams. This week I want to talk about your attitude in adversity.

It is really easy to follow your dreams and remain committed to your goals when all is well and going your way. The real test comes in time of adversity… when things are not going so well and you are hurt, very hurt. This is where your mind is testing you to see how bad you want that dream to come true.

When times are hard and you don’t feel like anything matters anymore, it’s when you need to press forward and make it happen. You need to reach a point in your determination that, even when you don’t feel like you want to put the energy, your mind and body feel like it is not a choice; they must get up, keep on going and make it happen.

What happened is, if you do not keep on going, when that moment of adversity end (yes I am implying that it will end) you will find yourself so far behind that discouragement will kick in and rub you of your goal; however if you keep working on your goals despite how you feel, you’ll be glad when its all over.

Winston Churchill said it best “if you're going through hell, keep going.”

Be blessed,

Sunday, March 9, 2008


As promised, here are a few tips on how to free up more time in your day:

1)Emails: emails are one of the best communication tools ever and the worst time-stealer. People spend too much time checking “unnecessary” emails. Stop reading those forwards (poems, jokes, stories, scams). The average person (not too popular) received 5 forwards a day. They all take on average 5 minutes to read and forward, which represent 25 minutes of your day. Do yourself a favor, start hitting the delete button as soon as you spot them. Ok ok! If you really like to read them, create a folder for them. When you receive them, put them in there and one of these days you happen to be totally bored out of your mind because you are rich and been sipping Pina colada all day on the beach, you can go back and read them.

2)Telemarketing calls: Simple, stop answering them and if you do, kindly ask them to remove you from list. Good news! The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) announced on December 21, 2007 that it has awarded a five-year contract to Bell Canada to operate the National Do Not Call List (DNCL). The list should be launched by September 30, 2008. Soon you will be free of telemarketers, if you wish. For our Americans friends, this service already exist,

3)Instant messengers (Msn, Yahoo, Aol etc.) & Social networks (Facebook, Hi5, My Space etc.) are a great way to network and stay in touch but the average person can spend easily an hour a day just chatting and checking other people profiles. Great tools but need to manage them wisely.

4)Say no: learn to say NO to everyone little request. You cannot be everything to everybody and its okay. Your time is precious, if you had something planned and somebody comes up to you and ask you to do something that will stop you from working on what you had planned. Simply say no and Don't feel guilty.

5)Plan your week: Have a to do list. When something comes up, simply add it to that “to do” list. The list should be arrange in priority order. Priority is from most important to least important. NOT from most urgent to least. Why: Things that are urgent are not always important.

As you can see, it really come down to prioritize! Try these 5 tips and if you don't manage to save an extra hour a day, send me a comment and I will give you some more tips.

So once you have that extra hour a day (7 hours a week), what are you going to do with it?
You guess right! Put it toward the achievement of one of your goals.

Treat your time like gold - invest carefully. It's your most valuable asset and once it's gone you can't have it back. If you use it wisely it reaps dividends like well invested money.” Author unknown

Jephtée Elysée

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Dream makers vs. Dreams breakers: Priority

One of the most common excuses that I often hear people say when asked, “why they don’t go after their dreams or goals”, is time. They claim not having enough time to do so.

If we take two of the most common goals: get healthy and start a business; people complain about not having enough time to watch what they eat, to exercise regularly. They also claim not having enough time to allocate to a business after a full day work and spend time with family.

My answer to that is very simple. That goal is not priority. It is true that there is only 24 hours in a day and it might be an issue but what it really comes down to is PRIORITY. If what you want to accomplish is on the top of your priorities list, you will make time for it.

For example: I don’t have time to work 8 hours per day for someone else. Do I still work 8 hrs per day? YOU BET.

So really, it’s as simple as: If you want it bad enough, you will do what it takes to see it happen.

Next week, I’ll share a few simple tips that will leave you with at least an extra hour per day… that is 7 hours per week.

"Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use." - Earl Nightingale

Have a bless week,
Jephtée Elysée

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dream makers vs. Dreams breakers: Mindset

So last week, I finished my post with this quote by Dr. Robert Anthony “You can have anything you want if you will give up the belief that you can't have it.”

What its always comes down to at the end of the day is your mindset. In order to achieve great things in life and accomplish your goals, you MUST have a great mindset. You need to change your ways of thinking and challenge yourself more as to what is feasible, what is reachable.

As a business consultant, I have the privilege to work with a lot of entrepreneurs and after talking to them for a while; I can spot right away who will do really well and who will not. And 90% of the time it’s got nothing to do with their skills but mostly with their mindset.

What is it in life that you have always wanted or what is it today that you want? What is that big project you have in mind that your research and your gut tells you will be a huge success but you are still putting off because you have convinced yourself that it is out of your league?

Whatever it is, start by changing your mindset. Start by letting go of the idea it is out of your reach and I GUARANTEE you that you will be surprise on how fast things start to fall into place.

Now a little story for you, I read it in a special report by Vic Johnson, Mindset 13 Secrets of World-Class Goal Achievers.

“From the days of the Greeks and the very first Olympics, it was debated whether a human being could run a sub-four minute mile. The medical community, the scientific community said that it was not possible. They said if a person ran a mile that fast, their heart would explode. So if you are an athlete out there in training and the medical community says if you break that barrier, your heart is going to explode, do you think that belief might affect your training?
For thousands of years it was a widely held belief that a sub-four minute mile was not only impossible, it was dangerous. Until a medical student named Roger Bannister came along in the 1950's. In England he was studying anatomy and physiology as part of his medical studies and in the process looked at the medical evidence that against a sub-four minute mile.

Roger Bannister looked at the evidence and the evidence told him that not only would the heart not explode, but the body of a human being was more then capable of achieving that mark. He convinced himself from the evidence. He changed his belief from that of the held belief and then he actually went out and boldly told the world, "I am going to break the four minute barrier."
Most everyone knows that in 1956, he went out and ran a mile in three minutes and 59.4 seconds and broke the record. Now here's what a lot of people do not know. Within two weeks, another person broke the sub-four minute barrier. In the same year that he did, nine other people ran a mile under four minutes. In thousands of years of recorded history, no one had been able to run a four minute mile, and in one year, nine people did. What changed? The human body or the human belief?”

To the beginning of a new mindset!
Jephtée Elysée

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Dream makers vs. Dreams breakers: Belief

Hey guys (and ladies)!
Hope you missed me last week. Sorry I was traveling and couldn’t find the time to write. So this week I will make it up to you.

Today folks I am going to tackle a big one so bear with me.
So many times, I have encounter people who are simply amazing in what they do. People who have all the skills, all the tools and all the knowledge needed to make BIG things happen but who still aren’t doing much with their lives.

When I say they are not doing much with their lives does not mean they are struggling (yes some of them are) but most of them are doing well. At this point, you probably saying what’s wrong with doing well? My answer to you is: there is nothing wrong with doing well if that’s all you can do but there is definitely something wrong with doing well if you can do great.

I will look at these persons (most of the times I don’t even need to talk to them) and it is obvious the only barrier to their success is a lack of belief in their self; they do not believe that they are able to achieve great things.

Here is the tricky thing with belief; “Belief is nothing more than what we accept as true or real. Now here’s something important to understand: what we accept as true may not be true and it may not be real. But if we accept it as true or real it influences our decisions just as if it were.”

Go back and read that sentence as many times as needed until it sinks in. I AM SERIOUS. You owe it to yourself to understand it……. I hope you went back.

So basically what it saying, it does not matter what you believe in. The simple fact you believe in it and accept it as true, your mind accepts it too and it influences your life. Ok! I can see your face going like Jephtée completely lost it.

Have you ever watch a scary movie? Why in the world should you be scare knowing that its just TV? The reason is simple: you start by believing what you see can hurt you and since that’s what you believe, your mind start sending you all the signals that you will be hurt. In other words, because you believe it… your mind accept it as true. So basically its got nothing to do with the movie itself… you are the one scaring the s. out of yourself. (See you will think by writing that I will tell myself, that’s it as of today I am going to enjoy those scary movies…. Heuuuuh. Lets leave it at that.)

Because I promised to keep it short each week, I will stop here and come back on this subject next week.

I’ll leave you with a quote by Dr. Robert Anthony “You can have anything you want if you will give up the belief that you can't have it.”

Jephtée E.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Dream makers vs. Dreams breakers: Knowledge

Anyone who has been around me long enough will not be surprised by this week topic, which is Knowledge.

I am going to be really brief on this one because I am exhausted and its really simple.

You cannot succeed in something before you master it. No matter what your goal is and whatever aspect of life it reaches, for you to achieve it, you need to educate yourself about it.

For example, if your goal is to make more money (note that this is not a true goal for reasons cover in previous articles) here are a few areas of study:
- Educate yourself about how to make money.
- Educate yourself on how to make your skills more marketable.
- Educate yourself about the possibility of getting a higher education.
- Educate yourself on how to manage the money you are making right now.
- Educate yourself on different type of investments and how to be a good investor.

Brian Tracy said “To accumulate wealth, you must study and emulate those who have acquired it before you.”

The idea is: No matter what your goal is, chances are there are few people before you who had the same goal. Chances are they have accomplished it and wrote about it. Find that information, that piece of knowledge and put it to good use.

God bless,
Jephtée E.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dream makers vs. Dreams breakers: Fear

Today’s topic is really a tough one, for we have all experienced it in our life and chances are its part of your daily life. Dream maker/Dreams breaker # 3 is FEAR.

As humans we were born without doubts and without fears and as we become older, we start experiencing all kind of fears; fear of failure, fear of rejection, specially a fear of success. Vic Johnson said “I believe our greatest enemy in life is fear, because fear keeps us from doing many of those things we would like to do that would make our life more complete and more enjoyable.” And I completely agree with him.

What is fear? Here are two of my favorite definitions:
F.E.A.R is “False Evidence Appearing Real.”
F.E.A.R. is “Fantasized Experiences Appearing Real.”

So what is the difference between people who achieve their goals and those who do not? They have just learned to master their fears instead of allowing their fears to master them.

How do they do it? They do it with courage and faith.
Ambrose Redmoon said: "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."
In other words when you realize what is at stake and how great the reward might be, you will gather the courage to make your goals happen in spite of your fear.

"You can cancel out fear with faith. For there is no force in this world more powerful than faith." Wrote Norman Vincent Peale. I am not only talking about faith in God (which in my opinion is crucial for our success) but also faith in yourselves and your abilities.

Let me leave you with one of the most beautiful and profound piece I have ever read:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Speech by Nelson Mandela originally written by Marianne Williamson

To a week without FEAR,
Jephtée E.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Dream makers vs. Dreams breakers: Motivation

Today I want to introduce Dream makers/Dreams breakers # 2 which is Motivation or lack of Motivation. Our anonymous friend from sunny St. Lucia mentioned it very well in his comment for last week post.

It is true that our ability to stay focus on the task at hand, on a project or on a goal has a lot to do with motivation. When the human mind is motivated, it will accomplish miracles. The opposite is also true when someone suffer from a lack of motivation; they can barely get themselves to accomplish anything. They will start but never finish. Jump to something else, only to quit before bringing it to an end. As we all know, in most cases it’s not the beginning that counts but the end.

So how relevant this is for your goal setting process?
It is very relevant because it will help you to either accomplish your goal or to quit on it. So what you must do when setting up a goal, it’s to always ask yourself this simple question: what will my motivating factor for this goal be? In other words, what is the reason I want to accomplish this? If you cannot find that factor, do not waste your time; scrap it from your list of goals to accomplish because let me assure you, you will never be motivated enough to get up and go for it.

Examples of goals and motivating factors

Goal: loose weight
Factor: health crisis, self-esteem, upcoming wedding etc…

Goal: secure a better job
Factor: ability to use full potential, offer a better life for children, ability to save, to travel etc…

Goal: go back to school
Factor: better lifestyle at the end, accomplishment etc…

In other words, always find that factor. When you think about it, it should get you energized, and will get you going. It will give you that little kick…. (where you know you deserve it).

To a week full of accomplishments,
Jephtée E.